Scene unlocked during part 6 of the "Love & Bread quest".
Love black magic, apprentice.
Daughter of Willie.
How to unlock :[]
Scenes 1-4 unlocked during the dance learning
Scenes 5-7 unlocked after the brothel opening, and the Camilla dance training completed, must lose to the dice then go to the brothel and train Camilla
Scenes 8-10 unlocked after the brothel opened, the dance training finished,training 3 times with Ezmella, going to see Vlad and returning to the brothel
Scenes 11-12 unlocked by doing evening 3-4 with Yerhan
Godelin waiting for you in the second room of the tower. He helps you in the secret room if you keep him alive. He gives information on the universe of the game.
Incompetent shaman godelin who misunderstood you and who will not live long.
Play dice and like to be ruined ;)
How to unlock :[]
Scenes 1-3 unlocked after the brothel opening. Once the dance training with Camilla is finished, she must lose at dice and then go to the brothel and train Camilla.
Scenes 4-5 unlocked by doing evening 3-4 with Yerhan
Knight who seems to like domination...
Kind of goblin pretty... stupid. There are several kinds.
She was invoked with you by Etienne, shaman not very talented. Thanks to her, you can use Life Drain. During your little sleep, you took her with you to pass the time, so she is not very happy.
A useful dwarf who will help you to have a beautiful tower
Apprentice baker who worked at the tavern.
How to unlock :[]
Scene unlocked during part 6 of the "Love & Bread quest".
Mayor, Willie’s friend.
How to unlock :[]
Scenes 1-3 unlocked after the borthel opened, Camilla’s dance training ended, training 3 times with Ezmella, going to see Vlad and returning to the brothel
Scenes 4 unlocked by doing the evenings 4
The innkeeper doesn’t like much : not the knights, not his son, or the ideas of his daughter. But he pays (badly).